This is amazing song from the Eclipse soundtrack called "Eclipse (All yours)" by Metric. Girl's voice is beautiful as an angel. In the video there are a lot of moments from the movie. They introduced new clips from the movie and showed unforgettable nature panoramas.
Check out video :
"Eclipse (All Yours)"
METRIC | MySpace Music Videos
I also include lyrics for you. Enjoy my friends ;)
Metric. Eclipse (All yours) Lyrics:
All the lives always tempted to trade
Will they hate me for all the choices I’ve made
Will they stop when they see me again?
I can’t stop now I know who I am
Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
I’m yours always anekatips say what they may
And all your love I’ll take to a grave
And all my life starts now
Tear me down they can take you out of my thoughts
Under every scar there’s a battle I’ve lost
Will they stop when they see us again?
I can’t stop now I know who I am
Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
I’m yours always, say what they may
And all your love I’ll take to a grave
And all my life starts
I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
I’m yours always say what they may
And all your love I’ll take to a grave
And all my life starts now
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse has opened In USA
I'm so exited that you guys can actually see it today as I'm not able to do this. We will have the premier only on 9th of July in Latvia. It is great to read the reviews as everyone liked it so much. I will write my review as soon as I'll be back from the theater.
For now, I'll be reading your posts and reviews.
Thanks ;)
Nikki Reed, Ashley Green and Kellan Lutz interview at moviefone
There have been a lot of interviews added recently with co stars of Twilight Saga: Eclipse. This new one, I like the most, as it is fresh and relaxed interview. They are asking question to each other and seems to be very calm and happy. As Ashley Green is quite shy person, she looks amazing at unscripted. They are making fun of each other and show a great team job over there.
Nikki Reed told that Brazil has the most passionated fans, but Ashley and Kellan admits that they always wanted to got there.
I basically liked the question about Emmet memoirs. That would be great if Stephenie could write a book about Emmet's life... it's not much told about him during the whole Twilight Saga.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Taylor Lautner explains how is it to kiss your friend.
They are friends in real life, they are friends in the movie. There is difference between those two moments as Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner had to kiss onscreen only. The main cast of the Twilight Saga are really a good friend in normal life. Taylor, Rob and Kristen they all not just working together, but laughing and making fun of each other.
Taylor admits that it was quite hard to film in the scenes where Edward and Jacob supposed to have a desire to kill each other.
He had also a good gym day when he had to carry Kristen while having long conversation with her.
"My angle, her angle...The arms were hearting" - explains Taylor.
Interview with David Slade on the black carpet
Quite interesting interview with David Slade at Eclipse premier, we didn't hear any news, except that he promised to think about a book, where all his note will be printed.
This is so fascinating as this book might be released even before official DVD date.
The director notes and pictures are incredibly interesting to read as it is vision of person that has created a movie. This is the second world and the second live of Eclipse, as he got the material and changes it in order to make personage to become alive.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Twilight Saga: Eclipse cast memebers. Story of Alice Cullen
Before the Eclipse premiere,I've decided to write something about the cast members. I won't start with our favorites and main three one; I'll pass them by for now.
Let's talk about Alice Cullen, who is played by Ashley Green.
She was regular girl in school, but graduated from it quite early. She was 17, when she graduated and moved from Jacksonville to Hollywood.
She didn't have a beautiful life over there, as she did modeling only to pay her bills.Maybe it could be her dream, but because of her height, it was a hard job to become a model, so she was advised to pay attention to acting.
Her favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn, I guess she is the same type. They both have these amazing look, and one of the most beautiful eyes.
Now, we can see how it happens in Hollywood, 3 year ago, Ashley Green was one of those girls, dreaming about acting and modeling. She is among big stars now, she is a big part of Twilight Phenomena and is considered one of the 55 faces of future Nylon Magazines young.
Her future work will include:
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Alice Cullen
Warrior - Brooklyn
Butter - Kaitlen Pickler
The Apparition - Kelly
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 - Alice Cullen
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 - Alice Cullen
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Eclipse premiere in Los Angeles
It so great to see Kristen and Robert together at the Eclipse premiere in Los Angeles. The whole team and cast members was there on the 24th of June to present the Eclipse to Los Angeles. Kristen and Rob look amazing on the photo.... every second of eye to eye contact completes their relationships. Kristen looks gorgeous in white swan mini dress. They seems to be so happy together. Check out and enjoy some photos ;)
Friday, June 25, 2010
What is your favorite according to book ?
It's time to check out favorite scenes of Eclipse from filmmaker members.
- David Slade finds the most interesting the scene in garage between Jacob and Bella. It's quite hard to believe that dark action producer however likes very calm and peaceful scene. The producer except this scene to be not only kind and warm, but with a tip of danger.
- Wyck Godfrey, the producer of the movie with no doubts give his highest mark to the scene of proposal. Where as he thinks there are different opinions... for Bella it's important to have sex as human, but for Edward it's a whole other world. As will he thinks, the scene will be very honest, because it's hard to propose when you don't know the answer.
- Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter hits with something unbelievable. Her most favorite scene is when Bella tells to her father that she is a virgin. So Virgin scene scene from screenwriter.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Farts or Thoughts ?
This is strange, but for some of us, those two can be quite similar.
This week the Entertainment weekly cover will represent all three stars of Twilight Saga: Kristen,Taylor and Robert.
In this top exclusive interview they will answer most interesting questions on Eclipse and as a preview, there is a small interview about scene that we all have been waiting for.
Robert Pattinson admits that it was hard to play his part in the scene in the tent when he should said :
"Can you at least keep your thoughts at yourself" as for him it sounds like "Can you at least keep you farts at yourself". I check it out, and believe me, it really can sounds like this.
This week the Entertainment weekly cover will represent all three stars of Twilight Saga: Kristen,Taylor and Robert.
In this top exclusive interview they will answer most interesting questions on Eclipse and as a preview, there is a small interview about scene that we all have been waiting for.
Robert Pattinson admits that it was hard to play his part in the scene in the tent when he should said :
"Can you at least keep your thoughts at yourself" as for him it sounds like "Can you at least keep you farts at yourself". I check it out, and believe me, it really can sounds like this.
Catch the new Eclipse clip
The new scene from the Twilight Saga Eclipse is presented to the fans, where Bella and Edward are lying on the bed and Edward is talking about immortality. The conversation once again is about the reason why Edward doesn't want to change Bella from human into a vampire. The most beautiful worlds and very romantic one find Edward to explain his real filings to her:
"You believe I have a soul and I don't, but to risk yours for the sake of never having to lose you is the most selfish thing I'll ever do"
The new clip ends up with sensitive kiss of Edward and Bella.
Kristen Stewart attend the premier of Love Ranch
Kristen Stewart has attended the premier of Love Ranch, the movie of her friend Scout Taylor Compton. Kristen looks sexy with style and as always gorgeous. Her mini black strapless dress completely fits her skinny body.
The new movie she was interested in is a drama, that move audience into the problems of money and love. As everyone has a price. The movie is based on the real events.
The new movie she was interested in is a drama, that move audience into the problems of money and love. As everyone has a price. The movie is based on the real events.
Kristen and Taylor in Berlin, Germany

Eclipse couple is now representing the new Twilight Saga movie Eclipse n Berlin, Germany. Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are having a tour all over Europe. Now they bring Eclipse to Berlin. The third main character of the Eclipse, Robert Pattinson can't be there due to his work under Water for Elephants.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner in Rome

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Twilight engagement ring design

You all remember the design of engagement ring that Edward will give to Bella in the Eclipse. The InStyle magazine represented overview of it and according to article, the design of ring was made by The Twilight Saga creator Stephenie Mayer. In The book author explains all of the details how the ring looks like. The ring is made of gold and decorated with natural diamonds as they had no time to make it as artificial.
Stephenie Mayer decided to make the design of ring by her own when all of the designs which were made by others didn't quite match to the one that she kept in mind when wrote the book.
Friday, June 18, 2010
New Twilight Eclipse TV spot
The new Eclipse TV spot shows much more action than previous ones. As the beginning is shown as it is in the most TV spots, the amazing part of spot shows what exactly the movie will be about. As David Slade promised to all the fans of Twilight Saga, the third movie is going to be not only the romantic drama, but action and horror movie, that will produce the darkness of vampire world. Comparing the trailers of previous Saga parts it is clearly seen, that Eclipse will differ from all the Saga have shown to fans.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Taylor Lautner on CQ
He is young ant sexy with the great future due to the role as a wolf boy in Twilight Saga. This is the best example how the life can change when you're n the right place in the right time. Taylor Lautner knows exactly what I'm talking about. The new face on CQ pages.

We are all stressed when he is shirtless as his amazing shape is like a bomb not only for teenagers but for married woman. His gorgeous body reminds about hard work that he did to achieve this success.
I think that we have no doubts about how talented he really is. The new photo session for CQ as a Fall 2010 preview admired fans with 12 photos of Taylor in hot trends of next season.
This reminded me the Matrix. The long black coat from Louis Vuitton looks amazing, but I suppose that shirt jacket for him is much better.

We are all stressed when he is shirtless as his amazing shape is like a bomb not only for teenagers but for married woman. His gorgeous body reminds about hard work that he did to achieve this success.

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Breaking Dawn will be released on 18th of November 2011

That's not all, because the most exiting part is, the Breaking Dawn is going to be released in two separate movies. Melissa Rosenberg is currently writing the scripts.... I should also mention that Summit Entertainment officially announced ,that all actors from the main cast will return to the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.
This is amazing news to all fans as there were a lot of questions regarding if the Breaking Dawn will be released.
Kristen is team Edward ?
In the interview for Cambell Kristen finally admits that she is team Edward! She wanted to make a remark, that she is not totally sure about this ...
I was team Edward during the first movie Twilight, after the second one my soul was closer to team Jacob, but after reading the third... it is so in the middle, but still even more to Jacob.
I was team Edward during the first movie Twilight, after the second one my soul was closer to team Jacob, but after reading the third... it is so in the middle, but still even more to Jacob.
When he said the words : "I will fight for you until your heart stops beating" I was so amazed who is Jacob for real. Those words there means a lot, that he is not going to give up... This is exactly the quality of character that every guy need to have.
What do you think about this? Are you team Edward or team Jacob ?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
New Eclipse clip
Here is one more clip of Eclipse, where Jacob brings Bella to his house, where she meets with Leah Clearwater, the daughter of Harry and Sue Clearwater's daughter.
She is the only one women in the wolf pack as well as the Sam's ex girlfriend. She is very overprotective and doesn't seems to be very hospitable.
The scene is very nice and sweet as rest of the wolfs are very funny guys trying to bait Jacob with all this Bella obsession.
By the way, there is a behind-scene-interview with Taylor Lautner so check this out.
Check out interview with Eclipse director David Slade

The other interesting issue is that he is going to make Edward scary. He said : "One of my goals after reading a script was to make Edward scary, 'cause he's a vampire". I totally agree to the last point, but it would be better to see him protective of Bella.
"He comes across his natures" - this is another important message from David Slade, so what exactly he means by this we will so on the 30th of June.
Eclipse clip from MTV Movie Award 2010

We all knew about the surprise that will be shown on MTV Award. The Twilight team decided to show new moments from Twilight series Eclipse. We have already seen that scene split in different small pieces.
DVD extras from New Moon revealed the mystery of some moment as well. For example, there is no Kristen Stewart on the motorcycle while it is moving; there is her stunt double (Krista Bell).
I liked that moment and just can’t wait for Eclipse premier, there will be a lot of ticklish situations in the movie.
What do you know about SIA

Her song from Eclipse soundtrack album impressed me so much, that I’ve decided get to know her better.
As you might know she is from Australia and her style is called like soulful jazz pop. Her solo career started in the UK with rise in 2000. The songs named "Drink to Get Drunk“, "Little Man" and "Taken For Granted“ change her life as those were very popular in UK‘s nightclubs.
She has released already four studio albums and next will be released on 22nd of June 2010 in US and 12 July in UK. The fifth album is called „We are born“. You can listen to six tracks from the album on the web, here is one of them.
Eclipse Soundtrack

- Metric “Eclipse (All Yours)“
- Muse “Neutron Star Collision ( Love is Forever)”
- The Bravery “Ours”
- Florence + The Machine “Heavy in your Arms”:
- Sia “My Love”
- Fan Farlo “Atlas”
- The Black Keys “Chop and Change”
- The Dead Weather “Rolling in on a Burning Tire”
- Beck and Bat for Lashes ” Let’s Get Lost
- Vampire Weekend “Jonathon Low“
- Unkle “With You in My Head (featuring The Black Angels)”
- Eastern Conference Champions ” A Million Miles an Hour”
- Band of Horses ” Life on Earth”
- Cee Lo Green “What Part of Forever”
- Howard Shore “Jacob’s Theme”
New Moment from Eclipse
Just find out new moment from the Eclipse and short interview with Robert Pattinson.
It is not a surprise to any Twilight fan what exactly will be in the third series of Stephenie's story, but as it is promised the way it looks will impress everyone. The characters change so much from the first book: Bella had to go through many emotional experience, Jacob has turned into werewolf and Edward opened himself in many ways not only to Bella, but for public as well. She inserted humanity inside him. All the actors look very good in the Eclipse preview and till that moment Eclipse is realy intrigue.
Twilight stars will answer to fans questions

The stars of the third series written by Stephenie Meyer will answer to the questions during their Moviefone interview.
If you want to ask a question, here is a link and don't forget to add your location and name together with question.
I think it is still interesting to know whether Kristen ans Robert are together. What is going on in Taylor's private life? How many times he will be shirtless?
By the way the picture out there is really nice and it represents the atmosphere and emotions of Eclipse.
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